At SOA, placements are handled by the Student Placement Committee under the supervision of the faculty through a process that optimizes the interests of both the students and the companies. The student committee gets involved in the process right from corporate interactions (throughout the year), to preplacement talks and coordinating activities during placement process.
There are two main placement activities on campus:
Pre-placement Talks (Corporate Presentations)
Pre-placement presentations (up to 2 rounds) enable organizations to inform students about companys business, work culture, organizational structure, career and growth opportunities. We recommend a 30-minute presentation and a 15-minute Q&A session.
Presence of senior executives and alumni helps create a better impact. This year companies can plan to visit SOA for delivering pre-placements talk starting 1st November, 2015. For scheduling the talks, Student Placement Committee should be approached at least 7 days in advance.
On-Campus Recruitment
Companies can plan a visit to the SOA campus for conducting placement interviews and making job offers to suitable student candidates during the placement season. This year the placement season commences on 19th November, 2015. Companies can approach Student Placement Committee for scheduling an on-campus placement session. The committee members can also be approached for guidance on the transport and lodging facilities on campus.
Student Placement Committee is the single point of contact
Companies interested in conducting recruitment activities at SOA must contact a student placement committee member for placements.
Compensation and other terms of employment should be offered directly between the company and the candidate.
Offer Communication
Offer to the selected candidates should be communicated through the student placement committee.
Reporting Standards Compliance
Companies are required to provide the final offer details as per the reporting standards followed by SOA. Details can be sought from a student placement committee member.